Thursday, May 7, 2009


As I drove to Joy School today I caught snatches of the soliloquy Bestest was delivering to a bored faced Zizza.
It went kind of like this.
"I'm going to the prom with my boyfriend.....prom...boyfriend...boyfriend...boyfriend...prom...but my mom said "No" I can't go to the Prom...I couldn't find a dress in time. I looked and looked for my dress and I couldn't find anything....and the puppy ripped it all up...It ripped my dress into little tiny pieces.....Pieces every where.....and I'm not going to the prom with him anyway....was going with my boyfriend but now I'm going with someone else...the PROM! I'm talking about the PROM!!...the prom will be in my room and lots of people will be coming....not my boyfriend....someone else...Don't tell ok? Don't even tell your mom....And don't tell (names all of the kids in Joy School) Ok? Ok? Don't tell ok?"
Zizza says "Fine, I'm not going to tell" and they hop out of the car.

1 comment:

Melissa M. said...

I am so glad you wrote that down. How in the world is she discussing the PROM!?