Friday, January 11, 2008

security for mother and child

Tiny Boy has a special blankie. It is a cotton interlock number by Amy Coe from Target. We got the first one as a shower gift and found that it was such an ideal blankie for swaddling that we bought a second.
After a few months went by Tiny showed a particular preference for these two. I had been trying to get him to love a stuffed duck because it would be so much easier to tote about, but he would have none of it. The star blankies, either one would do, were his own true love.
I've found comfort in knowing that if somehow both blankies, and the matching burp cloth went missing we were only a stop at Target away from restoring his love. Then it happened.
I was at Target on Wednesday and the Blankies are on clearance. My blanket security would soon be over! Gone with the last blue starred item in stock!
We were there again today, shopping for a baby shower, so right there on the blankie isle looking at the last few of the beloveds.
I kept telling myself that to buy more would be silly. We have 2 plus the mini version, plenty, to be sure. But tiny was a bit grumpy. Say, maybe if he had his blankie he'd be happier and I could finish my shopping! So into his loving arms went a third. Yes, I had the mini in my purse and it would probably have done as well but it's amazing the things one forgets when trying to find a reason to buy something.
I think I'm going to stash number three in the tippy top of the closet so it will be there safe and sound should the worst occur with the others.
I don't feel as secure with this arrangement as I did with a rack full of them at Target but it'll have to do.
Except that I just realized I have no back -up for the mini. I wonder if there are still any burp cloths in stock. I may need four or seven.

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